Support Noel Yee on Patreon
Hello, My name is Noel Yee. I have been a flow artist, science educator and philanthropist for over the past 10 years. I am so thankful you’ve taken a moment to check out this patreon page. I am working on diversifying the ways that I celebrate all the arts that I am a part…
Vulcan Crew Multi-staff Routine 2015
The FlowShow SF 2015- Multistaff -Tech Before it was Cool This act was created with much love between friends. Loads of props and inspiration from Amy Wieliczka. Performers: Danielle Good, Justin Widmar and Noel Yee. Music- “Drop the Game” By Chet Faker
Profiles in Poi: Noel Yee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhdIXIs9vHo Props to Drex for conducting this interview at Longuyland Flow Day and again at Kinetic Fire Festival a few years back. It really resonated with me. I don’t speak out on the internet much but here’s some of my words.
Land Art 2016 by Noel Yee and Mikey Mangorilla
I went hiking the other day and got really inspired to make natural art. I have had many friends over the years that have gotten into this. Props to Kevin, Brandi, Andreas and Kathryn Kar for inspiring me to make some more art!! Andreas Website http://www.andresamadorarts.com/
Noel Yee Vulcan Apocalypse 2016 with Maiki Nope
I was at the Vulcan learning and sharing contact tricks with my old bunk mate and good pal. He snapped this photo of me. I think its pretty swell. You can check him out on instagram @ropesinspireme Thanks again Maiki!
25 (or 24) Contact Staff Angels Video
I have always enjoyed doing contact staff. It’s been my most consistent prop. In this video I display 24 angels and do them mostly in both directions. This Video was a long time in the making. Expect a devil roll version of this video soon!