Intro Contact Staff Class
Hello! Attached you will find a link to my introduction to contact staff class! Thank you for taking a class with me and feel free to share this!! Intro Contact Staff Class
Vulcan Tech Gospel 1 (VTG 1) 2011
Vulcan Tech Gospel 1 Explained: DOWNLOAD THE VTG1 This original chapter was created in 2010. As we approach the tenth year of the Vulcan Tech Gospel Project and the release of the final installment VTG3 the older chapters are going to be re-released. The VTG 1 was a collaborative work between many. Much of the…
IJA 2018 Festival Director
For four years prior to this past one I was an active board member for the IJA The International Jugglers Association does a lot for the world of juggling. Supports competitions all over the world organize world juggling day and help children with the youth juggling academy. This year as my last year working…
Support Noel Yee on Patreon
Hello, My name is Noel Yee. I have been a flow artist, science educator and philanthropist for over the past 10 years. I am so thankful you’ve taken a moment to check out this patreon page. I am working on diversifying the ways that I celebrate all the arts that I am a part…
25 (or 24) Contact Staff Angels Video
I have always enjoyed doing contact staff. It’s been my most consistent prop. In this video I display 24 angels and do them mostly in both directions. This Video was a long time in the making. Expect a devil roll version of this video soon!
The Flowshow Chicago
As the Director for three US based shows, The Flowshow Chicago, volume 2, was an amazing experience. Being immersed in the art of my peers and also the up and coming youth. I watched many of my friends get older and more mature. This was both in their art and their leadership to others. All…