7textures Performances
I have been collaborating here in PA while on this visit. I have been rehearsing with one of my oldest flow friends on the east coast, Lauren Raske. She has kindly accepted me to perform, when available with her and Brittany’s production company called 7Textures. You can check them out online http://www.7textures.com/
The Flowshow Chicago
As the Director for three US based shows, The Flowshow Chicago, volume 2, was an amazing experience. Being immersed in the art of my peers and also the up and coming youth. I watched many of my friends get older and more mature. This was both in their art and their leadership to others. All…
Spinco and Noel Yee
Hey all in October of 2015 i joined the spin-co board. Its a Philly based organization dedicated to pushing the flow arts and bringing it to the public eye. Spin-co is in the process of becoming a full fledged non-profit. I help coordinate the workshops they host. Its awesome thus far, i work…
DrexFactor Vulcan Tech Gospel Explained
Here’s a great video for the VTG library… Drex goes through the basics of Vulcan Tech Gospel and has epic animations to go along with the descriptions. Soooo good… thanks drex. One of the best primers for VTG that has been made. Yah! Check him out at www.drexfactor.com
VTG 1:1- Necessity of 40 Patterns
Hey all. I just figured since i haven’t made an actual spinning video in a while i would go through and describe how I came to understand there were 40 patterns in the VTG. If you have any questions please leave them in the comment box. You can find these files all located at www.vulcantechgospel.com…
Vulcan Tech Gospel Android App!
I worked hard with friends Kevin Nenning and Alien Jon to enable all users to have an animated 40 patterns in both the 1:1 and 3:1. Check it out its only 1.08 for the pro and you get 40 more patterns! Sick Brah! This is the much awaited Pro app. The Pro version has…