DrexFactor Vulcan Tech Gospel Explained
Here’s a great video for the VTG library… Drex goes through the basics of Vulcan Tech Gospel and has epic animations to go along with the descriptions. Soooo good… thanks drex. One of the best primers for VTG that has been made. Yah! Check him out at
VTG 1:1- Necessity of 40 Patterns
Hey all. I just figured since i haven’t made an actual spinning video in a while i would go through and describe how I came to understand there were 40 patterns in the VTG. If you have any questions please leave them in the comment box. You can find these files all located at…
Transition Theory with Noel Yee
Created by Noel Yee and Jordan Campbell in 2010, this was the real knowledge that really got the core dogma of VTG settled and helped many others in their tech progress. It is one of the most basic of concepts… i love this theory its the regular ways to transition between the 4 timing…
Hoop VTG 1:1 with Maiki Nope
Maiki Nope the one that started it all with hoops and one of the original contributors to the VTG. In this video Maiki takes us through all of the possible Hoop variations starting with hand timing not prop timing. This video is quite legendary… one of the first. If you see him… bug him to…
Hoop VTG 1:1 with Cassie Mckenney
Here Cassie Demonstrates the prop facing for particular patterns and then goes into how to accomplish those flowers integrating all the grip shifts necessary to complete the VTG with Hoop. She is one of the forerunners of VTG understanding with hoop along with Maiki Nope. Here is her youtube channel You can also buy…
Fan VTG 1:1 with Mike Smith (Doodle)
Here Doodle Describes all the 1:1 Patterns with Fans. He is a deep follower of VTG and if you get in touch with him he can show you so much new Fan VTG tech involving a play mat and all sorts of little fans. Its really cool. Check him out on youtube